Server Status Checker

Enter up to 100 URLs (Each URL must be on separate line)

About Server Status Checker

Our server status checker tool helps you test the server status of a website. Have you ever been to a website, and the website flashes an ERROR 404 message? That is where the need for a server status checker arises. SEO experts must check the website's status from time to time to improve the website's performance.

Why do you need a server checker tool from Seogyans?

If you own multiple websites and want to improve the performance of the websites, then the server status checker tool is a must for you. SEO experts need to focus on the overall functioning of the website to optimize it. Here is why you need to use our tool:

  • Using our server status checker tool helps detect issues that form at an initial level and resolve them before they become complex.
  • Our tool will help you get an advanced warning for any hardware and software updates.
  • Frequent and continuous testing of servers will ensure that all the software and hardware are well-updated. 
  • Using the server checker tool will help resolve all the issues by keeping an eye on the overall aspects of the website that generate income.

Understanding server status codes

  • 200 – This server code is a signal that your website performance is ok. It means that the website is responding perfectly to all the requests.
  • 301 – It shows that the server is moved to a new server permanently. It also means that the user coming to this server will be directed to the new server of the website.
  • 302- This code represents a temporary transfer of a web server. It means that that server changes temporarily and will be back soon.
  • 307- This is more like a 302 code as it represents a temporary change in the servers. It states that the server is changed temporarily and will be used again.
  • 400 – It means that the server didn't understand what the user is looking for and is a "Bad Request."
  • 401 – It means that the content you want to access is unauthorized and will not grant access unless your authorization.
  • 403- It means that the content is Forbidden even after you are authorized to access it.
  • 404 – This shows that the request you have made is unable to find by the server. "Not Found' is the most common error we get when search engines cannot find what you are looking for.
  • 410 – This status code is a lot similar to 404. I mean that the URL you search for does exist but is gone.
  • 500 – It shows that there is an Internal Server Error for the URL you have entered.

How to use our server status checker tool?

Using our server status checker tool is very easy. All you require to do is just put the URL inside the box of the server status checker, and the tool will show you the results as you hit the submit button. To understand better about the tool, read below the instruction:

  • Type on your search engine browser.
  • Our website will open on your screen.
  • Click on the server status checker tool icon given on the website.
  • As you open the icon, you will see a square on the page where you can submit the URLs of the website.
  • Submit the URL in one line. You can submit a maximum of 100 URLs at a time only.
  • However, make sure that there is only one URL in one line only.

Check the status of your website's server to ensure that everything is working correctly on your website. Frequent testing of the servers will help the website away from all kinds of threats. It will help in resolving any issues faced at the initial level by keeping it safe and secure.